Monitoring should be considered as an attitude underpinning everything you do. In Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) one can get lost in forests of sophisticated Excel tables and endless data collection tools, and nearly drown in oceans of monitoring books treating it as a separate and sophisticated science. The more one gets into the topic, the more complex it appears and the more overwhelmed and confused one becomes. Therefore, HDFF, with its experience in M&E as impact evaluators, designed an easy-to-understand 4.5-day MEAL course focusing on core tools and experiences.


  • To help participants understand leadership basics
  • To increase understanding of the essence of Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)
  • To increase the ability to differentiate between Monitoring and Evaluation
  • To apply practical M&E tools (LogFrame & indicators)
  • To help participants understand the learning process going along with M&E


Bangkok, Thailand


September 30 – October 4, 2024


Regular Fee: 970USD
Early Bird Discount: 820USD( Until 06 September 2024)

Includes: Lunch, coffee breaks, training materials, and certificate.

You can also register by emailing us at If you require more information, email us at

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