
HDFF peace building workshop at AIT-E on 16 Sept 2010

On 16 September 2010 HDFF Chairman General (ret) Bunchon Chawansin and Mr. Thongchai Suvanvihok presented their experience of peace making and building in Southern Thailand in the 1980ies at AIT-E.  At that time both men were on different sides in the peace process, General (Ret) Bunchon on the 4th Army Region side while Mr. Thongchai was the Secretary General of the Southern Communist Party of Thailand and at that time one of the top-10 most wanted persons in Thailand

Group photo presenters and participants

hunted by police, intelligence and military. But both men found a way to each other and could finally broker a lasting peace. The presentation was part of a Leadership Development Program of AIT-E for four joint secretaries, 2 Under Secretaries, one head of division and two section officers from the Nepalese Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction and one joint secretary from the Prime

Minister’s Office.

HDFF presenter: Chairman General (right) Bunchon Chawansin and former General Secretary of the Communist Party of Thailand Mr. Thongchai (left)

The presentation and discussions aimed to share experiences on peace building and integrating former combatants into the society. Even though the Thai model is unique, however, the Nepalese participants indicated that they could draw a couple of lessons learned for their actual work. The presentation was part of the ongoing partnership between AIT-E and HDFF in Leadership Development and Peace building programs.

vivid discussion about lessons learned from Thailand for Nepal

lively Q&A period

HDFF peace building workshop at AIT-E on 16 Sept 2010

On 16 September 2010 HDFF Chairman General (ret) Bunchon Chawansin and Mr. Thongchai Suvanvihok presented their experience of peace making and building in Southern Thailand in the 1980ies at AIT-E.  At that time both men were on different sides in the peace process, General (Ret) Bunchon on the 4th Army Region side while Mr. Thongchai was the Secretary General of the Southern Communist Party of Thailand and at that time one of the top-10 most wanted persons in Thailand

Group photo presenters and participants

hunted by police, intelligence and military. But both men found a way to each other and could finally broker a lasting peace. The presentation was part of a Leadership Development Program of AIT-E for four joint secretaries, 2 Under Secretaries, one head of division and two section officers from the Nepalese Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction and one joint secretary from the Prime

Minister’s Office.

Chairman General (ret) Bunchon Chawansin and Mr. Thongchai
HDFF presenter: Chairman General (ret) Bunchon Chawansin and former General Secretary of the Communist Party of Thailand Mr. Thongchai

The presentation and discussions aimed to share experiences on peace building and integrating former combatants into the society. Even though the Thai model is unique, however, the Nepalese participants indicated that they could draw a couple of lessons learned for their actual work. The presentation was part of the ongoing partnership between AIT-E and HDFF in Leadership Development and Peace building programs.

vivid discussion about lessons learned from Thailand for Nepal
lively Q&A period



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