The Thai, Philippine and Brunei-Darussalam Ministries of Defence co-hosted a conference from 27-30 June 2010 on “ASEAN-Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organizations (CSO) cooperation on Disaster Management organizational supported by HDFF and ADPC with contents, speakers and panels. Good discussions and great networking event. HDFF played a key role in bringing in INGOS like World Vision International, PLAN International, Help Age International or Mercy Malaysia as well as speakers from UNOCHA and IFRC. HDFF also facilitated all in all 5 breakout groups on different Military-CSO related topics.

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The Thai, Philippine and Brunei-Darussalam Ministries of Defence co-hosted a conference from 27-30 June 2010 on “ASEAN-Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organizations (CSO) cooperation on Disaster Management organizational supported by HDFF and ADPC with contents, speakers and panels. Good discussions and great networking event. HDFF played a key role in bringing in INGOS like World Vision International, PLAN International, Help Age International or Mercy Malaysia as well as speakers from UNOCHA and IFRC. HDFF also facilitated all in all 5 breakout groups on different Military-CSO related topics.

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