Register now for the upcoming Chairman’s Circle event on the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC) that will focus on local and regional security challenges in the ASEAN member states. Many states experience internal strife and conflicts regarding local autonomy that force ASEAN as a regional organization to pose difficult questions regarding its policy of non-intervention. Furthermore, regional issues such as the South China Sea conflict are real challenges for the common Political-Security Community. The upcoming even will use examples from South Thailand, Timor Leste, the Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) in the Philippines and South China Sea to examine the role of the APSC in the future challenges of Southeast Asia.

The morning session will feature the keynote speaker General (retired) Boonsrang Niumpradit, the former Supreme Commander of the Royal Thai Armed Forces, who will share his extensive experience of peacekeeping in Timor Leste. Further interesting presentations will be made by Dr. Rommel Banlaoi, the Executive Director of the Philippine Institute for Peace, Violence and Terrorism Research, who will talk about the ARMM and the South China Sea conflict.

Ongoing from 9-5, the event will as usual be a good opportunity to meet representatives from as well embassies as civil society and private businesses. HDFF is looking forward to seeing you there!


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