The recent typhoon Haiyan showed the need for comprehensive and efficient collaboration in the ASEAN region

On 25 February 2014, HDFF is organising a half-day Chairman’s Circle event on the “Challenges for urban disaster mitigation” in ASEAN. With a view to the upcoming ASEAN integration for 2015, this event will discuss the opportunities and challenges that ASEAN will confront in the world’s most disaster-affected region.

Keynote speaker will be Dr. Bhichit Rattakul, the Special Advisor of the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) who is equally a former governor of Bangkok (1996-2000). Dr. Rattakul will provide insights into “Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction in ASEAN member states”that will open the event.

Following this keynote speech, a panel will discuss the future opportunities and challenges in the region. Ms. Anna Brown, the Associate Director of the Rockefeller Foundation Asia will talk about “Protecting medium-sized cities from climate change and disasters” to highlight both the current state and the future needs. In turn, Mr. Marino Deocariza, an Urban Risk Management Specialist at the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) will present the important task of “Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation into Urban Planning”.

The half-day event will furthermore provide ample opportunities for discussion and questions from all participants as well as networking over coffee and lunch.


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