Financial Management Training: Financial Management of Project, Account Principles

HDFF’s two-day Financial Management Training gives you the tools to understand and apply the principles of financial management to your organization. Features include: Leadership Importance of best practices Financial management and analysis Budgeting best practices Managing audits Financial management and good governance Objectives: To Improve participants understanding of best practices of accounting, budgeting, and auditing […]


HEAT: Hostile Environment Awareness Training

HDFF’s Flagship Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) is an advanced safety training that addresses primarily implementing personnel but also management and safety-related personnel. HDFF trains employees of (I)NGOs, media personnel, Governmental and UN agencies, international civilian and corporat personnel working, based, or traveling into or through so-called “Red Countries” (high-risk level or deemed as such by insurances […]


Sustainable Leadership in Crisis (UN-Certified by CIFAL Bangkok-UNITAR)

SST 11 Sustainable Leadership in Crisis (UN-Certified by CIFAL Bangkok-UNITAR) Considering the frequency of natural disasters, man-made accidents, and violent crime in people’s daily life, CIFAL Bangkok ( world/cifal-bangkok) collaborates with experienced security professionals and deliverers from the Human Development Forum Foundation (HDFF) in order to provide a specialized Stay Safe Training for “Sustainable Leadership […]
