GMT.3 Financial Management for Non-Finance Staff: The Essentials

This course is suitable for non-financial staff who are interested, or involved, in the financial management of projects. Classes will consist of discussions and learning activities regarding transactions mostly used for general business and non-profit organizations. Features include concrete financial management tools, financial statement analytics techniques, discussions about accounting principles and recording, auditing financial statements, […]

HEAT Hostage Incident Management

The two-day HDFF-designed HEAT “Hostage Incident Management (HIM)” aims to give participants a profound overview of hostage situations, both from the hostage and management perspectives. This intensive training includes scenario-based management and practical components, as well as media management in hostage situations. Participants will learn through case studies based on the trainers’ practical experiences. The […]

HEAT Skills: Negotiation Skills in Crisis

HDFF’s two-day HEAT Negotiation Skills in Crisis training is an essential and much-needed course for the implementation of missions. This training is addressed to anyone deployed on the field and their leader. This course addresses negotiations in several contexts: while facing government officials to obtain permission papers, while negotiating for the pricing of supplies, while […]