Advanced Management: Anti-Corruption Training

Many organizations face struggles while implementing projects having to navigate possible corruption traps inside the organization and anti-corruption policies. Situations related to corruption evolve over time and it is sometimes unclear whether it can be considered corruption or “cultural habits”. Using role play and interactive training settings, HDFF designed a course for laymen to better […]

Sustainable Leadership in Crisis (UN-Certified by UNITAR-CIFAL Bangkok)

Considering the frequency of natural disasters, man-made accidents, and violent crimes in people’s daily life, CIFAL/UNITAR Bangkok ( collaborates with experienced security professionals and deliverers from the Human Development Forum Foundation (HDFF) in order to provide a specialized Leadership Training for “Sustainable Leadership in Crisis”. This initiative aims to increase the participants’ awareness and adeptness […]

Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) – Advanced

HDFF’s Flagship “Hostile Environment Awareness Training (Advanced)” is an advanced safety training built to address the needs of implementing personnel from (I)NGOs, media, governmental and UN agencies, international civilians, and corporations. It is intended for individuals working, based, or traveling in high-risk “Red Countries,” or high-risk areas within medium-risk countries (as classified by insurance and […]