Introduction to Negotiation Skills in Crisis

HDFF’s 2-day Introduction to Negotiation Skills is an urgently needed course for enabling field personnel and their leaders to implement their missions. This course addresses topics like negotiations for government officials to obtain permission papers, negotiations for pricing of supplies, negotiations for medical assistance in challenging situations, and understanding situations where negotiation is not an […]


HEAT: Hostile Environment Awareness Training (4.5 days)

HDFF’s Flagship Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) is an advanced safety training that addresses primarily implementing personnel but also management and safety-related personnel. HDFF trains employees of (I)NGOs, media personnel, Governmental and UN agencies, international civilian and corporate personnel working, based, or traveling into or through so-called “Red Countries” (high-risk level or deemed as such by insurances […]


Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (M.E.A.L.)

Monitoring should be considered as an attitude underpinning everything you do. In Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) one can get lost in forests of sophisticated Excel tables and endless data collection tools, and nearly drown in oceans of monitoring books treating it as a separate and sophisticated science. The more one gets into the topic, the […]
