Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (M.E.A.L.)

Monitoring should be considered as an attitude underpinning everything you do. In Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) one can get lost in forests of sophisticated Excel tables and endless data collection tools, and nearly drown in oceans of monitoring books treating it as a separate and sophisticated science. The more one gets into the topic, the […]


Financial Management Training: Financial Management of Project, Account Principles

HDFF’s two-day Financial Management Training gives you the tools to understand and apply the principles of financial management to your organization. Features include: Leadership Importance of best practices Financial management and analysis Budgeting best practices Managing audits Financial management and good governance Objectives: To Improve participants understanding of best practices of accounting, budgeting, and auditing […]


Stay Safe Week Training

SST.10 Stay Safe Week Training (4X 1 day) The environments in which humanitarians, development organizations, and corporates work tend to change continually. As a result, there is a growing demand for specific safety and security skill-building for implementing personnel as well as business/mission-oriented travelers. Experts and trainers of HDFF are aware of the differing demands, […]
