HEAT Skills.8 Psychological First Aid Training

HDFF’s 2-day Psychological First Aid Training is an essential course that enables first responders/First Persons on the Scene (FPOS) to provide aid to psychologically challenged victims. This course addresses topics like PFA skills and techniques, PFA practical topics, and PFA as an important tool for reducing primary stress factors, which are essential skills for frontline […]

GMT.3 Financial Management for Non-Finance Staff: The Essentials

This course is suitable for non-financial staff who are interested, or involved, in the financial management of projects. Classes will consist of discussions and learning activities regarding transactions mostly used for general business and non-profit organizations. Features include concrete financial management tools, financial statement analytics techniques, discussions about accounting principles and recording, auditing financial statements, […]

HEAT Skills: Negotiation Skills in Crisis

HDFF’s two-day HEAT Negotiation Skills in Crisis training is an essential and much-needed course for the implementation of missions. This training is addressed to anyone deployed on the field and their leader. This course addresses negotiations in several contexts: while facing government officials to obtain permission papers, while negotiating for the pricing of supplies, while […]