HDFF’s 2-day Introduction to Psychological First Aid is a much-needed course for enabling first responders / First Persons on the Scene (FPS) to help psychologically challenged victims. This course addresses topics such as PFA- skills and techniques; PFA practical topics; PFA as an important tool for reducing primary stress factors; etc.. needed by every team member deployed in the field. The training is conducted by internationally experienced and culturally sensitive facilitators in the utmost participatory way.


  1. To facilitate participants’ understanding of Psychological First Aid in the context of crises.
  2. To train the basic principles and skills of using Psychological First Aid in challenging situations.
  3. To increase the understanding of the limitations of negotiation skills in various situations.

Dates: 21-22 October, 2024

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Cost: Regular Price – $ 795 USD
Early Bird – $ 720 USD
Included in the fees: Lunch, Coffee/tea breaks, training materials, certificate

Registration deadline: October 11, 2024

You can also register by emailing us at trainingco@hdff.org. If you require more information, email us at info@hdff.org.

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