18th July, 2024   

Offensive clashes began on July 6th since anti-regime groups, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and allied groups launched continuous attacks on at least five junta military bases surrounding the northern Shan State’s capital of Lashio as reported by

residents. As the junta troops bombarded civilian areas, six members of a family including two children were killed when their house was hit by a shell, according to residents. A Y12 aircraft was released from Lashio airport to the clashes area as ordered by the military junta, launching 107mm rocket on a battalion headquarter and narrowly missed a residential ward. According to TNLA, attacks from junta troops on Nampang village, 40 Km south of Lashio town, caused one civilian death and two others injured. [i]

    Since June 25, at least five bridges and roads which connect to the capital Lashio have been destroyed by military forces when the TNLA and alliances resumed Operation 1027.

During the offensive attacks in Lashio Township, around 40 junta troops, including three people under 18s have been captured by MNDAA. It added, MNDAA also detained junta troops including 3 soldiers under 18 in the Nan Kyaing military outpost. In addition, it has successfully detained at least 32 military troops, including a commander and provided them with medical care and food.[ii]

As reported by the residents on July 16th, blasts by the clashes between ethnic armed groups and SAC ripped through a monastery and surrounding residential ward in Lashio, causing a total of five civilians dead and two others including a Buddhist monk injured. Another resident was shot dead nearby at a military checkpoint.

Myanmar military junta provided more ammunition, weapons to the frontline soldiers as well as sending more military troops into Lashio as reported by local Shan media. MNDAA and allied forces have been trying to capture Lashio since July 3. [iii]

    According to the statement from Shan civil society organizations on July 18th, at least 39 residents were reported dead during the intense clashes between armed forces in Lashio Township. Airstrikes launched by the junta forces have displaced tens of thousands of civilians.

There is no doubt that most of the casualties were caused by the attacks by artillery shells on civilian areas. It is hard to tell which forces launched each shell and indeed, both sides caused casualties.[iv]

    On July 16th, a junta military checkpoint at the entrance to Lashio was taken control by MNDAA. In the evening, junta militias and allied troops withdrew from the checkpoint as MNDAA struck massive attacks. The day after that, junta forces responded with approximately 10 airstrikes for around 30 minutes near the checkpoint.

    On 18th July, continuous attacks on the civilian areas by the junta forces caused two residents dead near the town hall.

    MNDAA force is targeting to capture several military bases in Narmakaw which secure the entrance to No.8 Zone of No. 1 ward in Lashio town. Since MNDAA troops have occupied Lashio Technological University on the Muse Road east of Lashio, they must strike Light Infantry Battalion 68 to advance into Lashio Town.[v]

[i] Myanmar’s MNDAA Launches Offensive to Seize Northern Shan Capital (irrawaddy.com)

[ii] MNDAA: Around 40 Myanmar Junta Soldiers Seized During Weekend (irrawaddy.com)

[iii] Myanmar Junta Shatters Truce as Battle for Northern Shan Capital Intensifies (irrawaddy.com)

[iv] At Least 39 Lashio Civilians Killed in Two Weeks (irrawaddy.com)

[v] MNDAA Clears Myanmar Junta Position at Entrance to Lashio Town (irrawaddy.com)

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