Furniture-making by local community group

HDFF’s “Incubator Project” aimed at promoting community development and peace through capacity building initiatives in the three Southern Border Provinces of Thailand is drawing to an end. The project, supported by the EU, has over the past year provided the public and civil society groups with managerial, operational and technical know-how in project management.

A total of 1,148 individuals from Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani have been trained through a series of workshops and training. In a first step, HDFF performed “Training of Trainers” to educate a number of selected individuals in techniques for teaching basic to advanced project management skills, ranging from preparation and planning to logical framework, time plans and budgeting. The trained individuals passed on their knowledge to local communities through a similar training procedure. Following the workshops, a sub-granting scheme was put into place where community members were invited to propose  project ideas to improve their villages or communities. 14 out of 32 proposals were approved and have been carried out over the past months.

The approved proposals included projects aimed at providing skills training in handicrafts, agricultural skills, sustainable community living based on the sufficient economy principle, and building community capacity in solving community concerns. Further information on individual projects can be found at:

The products from these projects adhere to the local traditions from the immediate community. Sewing project groups have used local fabrics to create various clothing and household items while other groups sought to conserve local traditions through community activities, such as baking local delicacies and preserving the 200-year-old, dying art of making hand-crafted quail birdcages.

With the Incubator Project nearing its end, HDFF is looking for opportunities to ensure that beneficiary communities can sustainably continue their projects. HDFF is promoting the communities’ products with the hope of identifying potential markets, both in Thailand and abroad, to allow them to become independent and self-sufficient. HDFF believes that your support may help local community projects to continue in the spirit of preserving their culture and empowering southern Thailand communities.

Please help HDFF in supporting these local communities by clicking here* to browse their products that are on sale. Please feel free to contact us for more information regarding the projects in the South, their products or HDFF’s activities. This video also offers more information about the Incubator Project and its  impact on the lives of community members in the three southern border provinces:

Below you can see a photo selection of the products produced by the project in Southern Thailand:

Mushrooms from local farming efforts

Traditional-style food covers to protect food from insects



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