This two-day training was designed by HDFF to train business staff and short-mission travelers to increase their security awareness in low-risk environments, including HQs/Capitals. The participants will also learn how to cope with hotel security-related matters as well as First Aid and trauma care (certified First Aid course with three years validity). Participants will receive briefings on defensive driving, weapons effects, and active shooter behavior. At the end of the training participants will have learned a variety of risk-mitigation skills.


  • To increase the security awareness of traveling personnel and to understand hotel security
  • To increase the consciousness related to Defensive Driving
  • To understand how to behave in active shooter situations
  • To be able to apply basic First Aid and trauma care techniques in critical situations  

Dates: 24th-25th October, 2024

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Cost: Regular $660 USD

Early bird $570 USD

You can also register by emailing us at If you require more information, email us at

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