HDFF Chairman’s Circle/ Strategic Forum continued with great success !

“Strategic Implications of the Thai-Cambodian tensions ”

Thursday, February 17, 2011

General (ret) Bunchon Chawansin, HDFF Chairman

On the Thursday, February 17, 2011, HDFF continued the HDFF Chairman’s Circle/Strategic
Forum series 2011 supported by IRPC at the Pullman Hotel, Bangkok.

As border tensions at the Thai-Cambodian border running high with several clashes during
the early weeks of February the second HDFF Chairman’s Circle / Strategic Forum’s topic
was changed to the “Strategic Implications of the Thai-Cambodian tensions”.

HDFF Chairman General (ret) Bunchon Chawansin and participants are listening to General (ret) Vaipot Srinual’s comment

A wide range of high level participants – among others – H.E. Ambassador Milan Sedlacek
from the Czech Republic, former Deputy Permanent Secretary General (ret) Vaipot Srinual,
representatives from the Embassy of South Africa as well as INGO regional offices in
Bangkok listened to the excellent speakers Prof. Thanet Aphonsuvan from Thammasat
University and Khun Kavi Chongkittavorn, former Group Editor of the NATION Group on
their views on the situation at the Thai-Cambodian border and the respective ASEAN

HDFF Chairman General (ret) Bunchon Chawansin and participants are listening to General (ret) Vaipot Srinual’s comment

As a result of the event one could say that despite the fact that there is always the chance of
a mistake cautious optimism remained, i.e., the probability of a full blown war between the
two countries was considered low. Nevertheless, skirmishes will most likely continue for a
while or even throughout the year as the clashes at the beginning of February 2011 were
the most serious for decades. The event was held under the Chatham House Rules which
means that information gained during this event may be used. However, the person sharing
the information must not be named.

Discussion after Khun Kavi Chongkittavorn’s presentation

A lively discussion with inputs from various sources created an inspirational environment
with some interesting insights into Thai and Cambodian politics.

Professor Thanet’s presentation

HDFF would like to take the opportunity to thank the speakers as well as the participants
for their active participation making this second HDFF Chairman’s Circle really out of the

HDFF Chairman General (ret) Bunchon Chawansin (seated middle) with presenters Khun Kavi Chongkittavorn (former NATION / standing second right) and Professor Thanet Aphornsuvan (Thammasat University / standing third right) and participants of the second Chairman’s Circle

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The next HDFF Chairman’s Circle/Strategic Forum which will be held monthly will be coming up on 24 March 2011 dealing with the situation in Myanmar or the Philippines. More information will be posted soon on the website or can be obtained via event@hdff.or.th



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